My whole life I've wanted a barn....actually I would love to live in a barn. Several years ago I had one built on my property. Over time it became a big storage container for all my tools and anything else I didn't have room for in my house. That was never my dream for such a wonderful space. So a couple of months ago the topic came up in my art group about having a studio sale out of the barn. The kind of thing where one could have it year after year on the same weekend and create a following. After a lot of organizing and a lot of work pulling it all together the sale will happen this weekend. A wonderful group of artists will be gathered at GreyBird Barn.
Many friends have helped make this possible... unexpected gravel shoveled into the ruts in my driveway...homemade cookies and lemonade for the duration of the sale...help with chainsawing up a bunch of logs that were in the way...and many hands helping make my property look presentable. Also, all the participating artists have contributed hugely...creating the postcard....making the sandwich boards...distributing flyers...etc. My heartfelt thanks to everyone.
If you are in the neighborhood stop by for some cookies and lemonade and a chance to see some exceptional art.