Once again it's time to celebrate the arrival of fall and the making of art. It's hard to believe that almost 5 years ago, Linda Jarvis (my friend and art conspirator) and I decided to organize the first GreyBird Barn Studio Sale. Time has flown by, as time often does, and here we are about to celebrate the 5th year of the ARTIST STUDIO SALE AT GREYBIRD BARN.
There are six artists represented this year with two being new to the sale, Paula Gill and Sue Skelly. Both are dear friends and wonderful artists and it's just going to be a hoot to get to spend a weekend with them. For the rest of us old barn sale veterans ... Linda Jarvis....Lynn Anju...Diana Cronin... and Shane Miller, we say, "bring it on". We are all ready for a grand weekend of visiting with old friends and new ... sneaking a homemade cookie or two ... watching the plethora of apples turning red on the King apple tree ... laughing ... and sharing our art. If you live in the area or just want to spend a sweet day or weekend in Port Townsend, come by and see us. We will be here October 12th and 13th from 10am to 4pm.
Directions: As you head out of town from Port Townsend on HWY 20, watch for our signs. Turn on Fredericks St. and make a left on Otto and wind down to the bottom of the hill. Turn left into the driveway where a silver crocodile (my mailbox holder) welcomes you to GreyBird Barn. Can't wait to see you!!!