Mark you calendars ... fill your car with gas ... put on your comfortable shoes ... grab some cash and a visa ... and prepare yourself for a couple of days of exploring the art scene in and around Port Townsend. It's time for the 16th ANNUAL STUDIO TOUR. Be sure to check out this link to see examples of each artists work and directions to each individual studio. We are #11 on the list ... GREYBIRD BARN GROUP. Brochures with the art studio listings and maps are also available at the Northwind Arts Center, 2409 Jefferson Street and other locations, as well as the Visitor’s Center.
The artists of GreyBird Barn invite you to come visit us .... have a cookie ...and just hang out for a while. This year we are shifting our dates from our usual show in October to August 23-24th so that we can be in the good company of many other studios open on the same weekend in our area. At GreyBird Barn there will be five artists showing their work and demonstrating their individual processes.
Linda Jarvis ... 3D mixed media assemblage
My passion is observing the amazing and beautiful essence of wildlife and depicting them in nature or often in humorous situations using mixed media. Additionally I use found object, giving them a new purpose within mixed media sculptures.
Shane Miller ... photo etching
I have worked with metal for over 20 years and most recently have been using the process of photo etching on sterling silver jewelry and 3D photo etched narrative boxes. I am a story teller by nature and there always seems to be a narrative running through my work.
Shirley Moss ... jewelry chain making
I feel making handmade chains is a meditation in metal.
Loran Scruggs ... tin can sculpture
I am interested in joy. Color is joyous for me, so I use printed tin cans for their color and glint. A lot of my work references childhood and play, for myself play is a time of being in the moment, no past or future worries, a time of joy. I hope that my work puts an amused smile on people’s faces, for when we smile we are in the moment, engaged, attentive and happy.
Donna Snow ... mixed media collage
Since I was a kid two constants in my life have been the urge to draw and the urge to tell tall tales. Eventually both desires merged into what I call narrative collage: Find old images and cut, paste and over paint them to make a new “story” — often preposterous and humorous. And some are slowly emerging into art books.
Watch for our signs just outside of Port Townsend. Off of Sims Way/HWY 20 take Frederick Street east to Otto Street. Turn left on Otto and follow signs to the bottom of the hill. Turn left into driveway where a friendly crocodile sculpture greets you.