I WOULD GIVE TO YOU THE MOON AND STARS is a book I made for the exhibition called CARPE LIBRUM: THE ART OF THE BOOK. This exhibition was at Bainbridge Arts and Crafts on Bainbridge Island in Washington state for the month of April 2015. Thirty three pacific northwest book artists were invited to be in this show and I was so pleased to be included. My little 'hand' book' is photo etched brass....the pages are inkjet printed with archival inks on BFK Rives paper and the overall measurements, with the book closed, are 4" x 7".

This is the back of the book.

I often dream up ideas for my art at night while I am sleeping ... and sometimes I dream of a particular gallery that I like to visit. I don't have a clue if this gallery actually exists ... all I know, is that in my dream, it is at the top of an outdoor escalator and that when you get off of the escalator you turn left and there is the gallery. I have been there many times while I sleep and would so love to visit this place in a waking state. Sometimes, just after I wake, I am visited by my word muse ... phrases or individual words or whole poems spill out of me. This doesn't happen nearly as often as I wish it would ... but a few months ago my word muse did visit and this poem is the result. These words are the basis for my little illustrated book, I WOULD GIVE TO YOU THE MOON AND STARS.
by shane miller
i would give to you the moon and stars
and all the planets, too,
the comets and the asteroids
i would gladly give to you
the black holes and the nebulae
to hold as long as you live ...
i would give them all to you
if they were mine to give
and yet, i know the space required
to hold a galaxy ... is HUGE ...
... and problems might arise
like star dust and gravity
with that in mind i have to say,
though my options now seem few,
the galaxy must stay aloft
and this book will have to do
Here are a few of the illustrations I created for the book ... CLICK ON ANY IMAGE TO ENLARGE.