(click on any image to enlarge)
And a good time was had by all. What a wonderful weekend!!! A little rain on Saturday couldn't dampen our spirits and the people attending our event could not have been kinder. They could say nothing ... they could look at the art and leave and say nothing ... but they don't. Over and over again we heard, "I never knew this little piece of paradise was down this road" ... "such a unique and talented group of artists" ... "I love your barn" ... "what an intimate setting for an art sale" ... "love the cookies." I was, and still am, overwhelmed by their generosity and kindness.
It takes a lot of hands and willing hearts to put together something as special as the GreyBird Barn Studio Sale. This was our 7th year ... so we've been to this rodeo before ... and we are getting better and better at managing this event. The barn sale doesn't magically happen when the doors open on Saturday morning. A lot of thought and effort and energy is expended prior ... including a work day where everyone shows up to help me get my property ready for prime time. This includes weed eating ... raking ... stacking wood ... knocking spider webs out of the rafters of the barn ... trimming the hedge ... cutting up a fallen limb from the apple tree ... and other tasks too numerous to mention.

Here we are, taking a little break from yard work.
left to right: Loran Scruggs giving Ruby a little attention ... Diane Haddon holding Peaches ... Lynn Anju ... Wendy Jarvis ... Linda Jarvis (yes, they are sisters) ... and I am taking the photo ... Shane Miller.

Peaches looking a little worried on set up day.

Linda Jarvis...

Diane Haddon...

Shane Miller...

Lynn Anju...

Loran Scruggs...all ready for prime time.

This is Rick, Lynn Anju's husband. He was our super hero of the weekend...bless his heart. Before the weekend ever started, Rick came and helped me stack firewood for a day ... and he set up and picked up all our signage on the highway ... and parked cars for 2 days (in the rain on Saturday) ... all without any complaints. A HUGE 'thank you' to Rick for all his help and generosity.

It's a good sign at the end of a big show when you are already talking about next year and ways to make our event even better. So ... we'll see you in October 2017 ... if not before.