As far back as I can remember, I have always been drawn to fish. I have a degree in Fisheries but I don't think that is where the attraction comes from. Is it their shape...their lines are so perfect for what they do? Is it their variety...I am more drawn to game fish than to tropical? I just can't quite pin it down. I especially like fish in art and out of context from their normal environment. I used to make steel trout and salmon and loved to place them swimming through the garden or adorning a fence post or as a weathervane with their sleek bodies silhouetted against the sky. Now they have found their way into my jewelry.
IF WISHES WERE FISHES is a neckpiece that holds eleven sterling silver fish. Each fish is 2.5 inches long and is photo-etched with a wish. The wish on the center fish is I WISH MY MOM LIVED CLOSER. I lost my mom this past April... that wish is more poignant and precious than ever. Other wishes include: I WISH I COULD SPEAK FRENCH...I WISH MONEY WASN'T AN ISSUE...I WISH I HAD MORE PATIENCE...I WISH I HAD MORE TIME TO READ...I WISH I LIVED IN A TREEHOUSE...I WISH I COULD FLY...I WISH DOGS COULD TALK...I WISH I KNEW ALL THE CONSTELLATIONS...I WISH WAR WASN'T...I WISH I KNEW THEN WHAT I KNOW NOW.
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