Last Friday I headed to Seattle to pick up my new metal shear (more about the shear in the next post). On the way I was stopped, with other traffic, at the Hood Canal bridge as a submarine passed through. This happens from time to time but usually only when you are racing trying to make connections at the airport or ferry terminal or you are stopped so many miles back that you have no idea what the delay is all about. This time I had the good fortune of being stopped on the bridge...not in a hurry...on a beautiful day...and I had my camera with me. Here are some pictures of the submarine with two escort boats (the subs always look Darth Vader-ish to me), the struts of the bridge (I love those silhouetted lines), the metal grid pattern of the lanes with water below (I have no doubt that in the very near future this grid pattern will find it's way into my art work), and the Olympic mountain range in all it's glory resplendent with a fresh dusting of snow.

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